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Spiritual Direction Agreement

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a shared prayer practice, a three-way conversation between the director, the directee, and the Trinity. During our hour of direction, we tune out the loud, distracting world and grow still in the presence of Jesus. The Spirit - our true Spiritual Director - takes the lead, and we happily follow. As we listen and respond, we live the belief that God is present, knowable, and longing for connection. We pray to see God more clearly, love God more dearly, and follow God more nearly.


These moments with God are personal and intimate; thus, our prayerful conversations will always be held in confidence. All information, including the fact that we meet for direction, is confidential. The only exception to confidentiality is if you report intent to harm yourself or someone else.

If we run into each other in a social situation, I’ll follow your lead. Feel free to say hello or not, introduce me as your director or as a friend, etc. You have the freedom to engage in whatever way feels best to you.

Director Commitment

Because every act of prayer is holy, I commit to honoring your presence and words. I will not judge, argue, or teach; rather, I commit to being a compassionate listener and offering a safe space for you to meet with God. I commit to praying for you outside of our sessions, receiving supervision as a director, and pursuing growth in my relationship with God.

Directee Commitment

I ask you to commit to attending our spiritual direction appointments or giving 24-hour notice (to avoid a cancellation fee). I ask you to commit to tending to your relationship with God by engaging (in some way) in prayer, the Word, and a faith community.


Praying with you is a privilege. Thank you for your trust. It is an honor.

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